11 Top Mechanical Engineering Blogs | 2020

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Now that we are nearly 4 months into 2020, we felt it was time to answer a very commonly asked question: what are the 11 top mechanical engineering blogs in 2020? This may come to a surprise to some, but a good quality mechanical engineering blog can be quite hard to come by. A lot of the information out there is not targeted towards mechanical engineers specifically. Fortunately we have come up with a solution for this issue!

Blogs are easily the best way to keep up-to-date with the fast-paced engineering world, and they provide engineers with an excellent opportunity to connect and share with their engineering colleagues.

A few of the blogs on this list come from some of the biggest websites in the engineering space and its related fields. Others are open source spaces with contributions and research from engineers of all levels.

Whether you need general project management information, engineering tips or information, or the latest news in the engineering world, you will find what you need in these blogs. The common theme in these various blogs is quality content that we trust to inform, excite, and lead the way as we work to spread quality information regarding mechanical engineering.

Read on to find our list of the 11 top mechanical engineering blogs in 2020:

Interesting Engineering

Interesting Engineering is, in its own words: “A cutting edge, leading community designed for all lovers of engineering, technology and science.” It has a way of explaining the most complex engineering problems and phenomena in a very simple manner, using videos and easy-to-understand language. 

It is very organized and shows content from the aerospace, marine and health fields etc. in a way that everyone can appreciate. They also have a membership option where you can subscribe for $2 a month and receive their newsletter and e-magazine.

Interesting Engineering is a brilliant website that has to be in the bookmark list of all engineers!

Live Science

Live Science features groundbreaking developments in science, space, technology, health, the environment, our culture and history.” Live Science breaks down the scientific and engineering aspects of the most interesting news and photos on the internet. They also dig up fascinating discoveries that cover a broad range of fields, from archaeology and dinosaurs to wacky physics and astronomy to human behavior and health.

If you want to learn something interesting every day, Live Science publishes popular stories that are told in a humorous, but factual manner.


IMechE (Institute of Mechanical Engineers) focuses on “Improving the world through engineering.” It is one of the fastest growing professional engineering organisations in the world. It has over 120,000 members in 140 countries, and has been at the heart of the mechanical engineering profession since 1847.

Its news feed, library and archives will provide you with all of the engineering information that you will ever need.

There are a plethora of membership options available, giving you access to a vast array of features including their Professional Engineering magazine, and more.

Encyclopedia Britannica

Encyclopedia Britannica is exactly what it says it is, an “online encyclopedia with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and images.” It provides an enormous amount of information on history, science, engineering, technology and more. You should be able to find an answer (or article!) for any question that you have. It is classed as a scholarly source and the content is written by an academic for an academic audience.

This is a brilliant resource and must be appreciated as such, however to access its full library you must pay its annual fee of $74.95 or $1.44 per week. A small price to pay for such a wealth of knowledge!


Wired is a website that focuses on emerging technologies that affect our lives, culture, economy and politics. It covers innovations in science, engineering, technology, the arts among other fields. Future trends in technology and engineering are also covered in-depth.

You can subscribe to the print and digital versions for the fair price of $5 for a year!


“Engineering information and connections for the global community of engineers.”  You will find games, videos, jobs, calculators, disciplines and articles relating to every facet of the engineering world. ENGINEERING.com is a global online publisher and discussion forum for problem solving, tech news, innovations and resources, with a simple mission to inspire engineering minds to be and do better.

It features a ProjectBoard platform, now powering Makeprojects.com, provides Makers and STEM communities with a fun and engaging way to develop projects, share ideas and learn in groups online.


HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, ranging from the flu to black holes to conspiracy theories”, and they provide “unbiased, reliable, easy-to-understand answers and explanations of how the world actually works.” A resource that explains how things work, for mechanical engineers that can explain how basically anything that is in motion in the world works, a match made in heaven!

This site uses various media to explain complex mechanisms, concepts and terminology, including diagrams, photographs, articles, animations and videos. If you need to know how something works, you now know where to go.

Engineers Edge

Engineers Edge – “Engineering tools, Engineering and Manufacturing Resources for the engineering world. GD&T Training, PDH Training, Engineering Supplies.” This site provides a variety of information to aid in the solution of typical and complex engineering problems.

Its many features include its blog, engineering calculators, standards and specifications, design data and its forum, which has about 40,000 members. You can also purchase a range of memberships, their costs are not stated on the site but a range of premium calculators, books, papers and presentations are included with the membership.

The Engineer

The Engineer, where you “Get the latest engineering news, analysis and jobs across all engineering sectors and disciplines.” This is a London based magazine and website where you will find the latest engineering news across all sectors, including business, technology, innovation and legislation in the UK and internationally.

It is to be used as a technical magazine for engineers, and you can subscribe to their magazine and email bulletins on their website.

Engineering Clicks

Engineering Clicks started off life as the “Mechanical Design Forum”, which was set up in July 2009. It was set up to fill the void on the internet at the time where there was no forum for mechanical engineers to share knowledge.

Now it has evolved into a well known blog and forum, and is a hot-spot for all mechanical engineers in the search of knowledge. It offers them completely free advice and support, and the opportunity to make good connections throughout the industry.

New York Engineers

New York Engineers is the only blog on this list affiliated with a physical company that offers engineering services to the public. (Showing a bit of favoritism here as they are from my newly adopted hometown!) 

They are “one of the best MEP engineering consulting firms/companies in New York to cut your construction costs and maximize energy efficiency with our strategic MEP engineering designs.”

Their blog is also top notch and will keep you up-to-date with all of the latest news and events in the engineering and construction industry.

Here are a couple of special mentions of other blogs affiliated with engineering companies:

There you have it, a list of the 11 top mechanical engineering blogs in 2020. We hope you enjoy the enormous amounts of information available to you at the click of a button on any one of these brilliant resources. 

If you have any blog to add to the list that we may have overlooked, or any opinions on the blogs we have mentioned, please feel free to comment your thoughts!

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