
Engineer sitting at desk with hard hat on

What We Stand For

Our Goal


During our studies & careers, we have found not only is there a lack of practical information regarding engineering as a whole on the internet, a lot of the information out there is outdated and not helpful.

We can change that.

Engineering is ubiquitous in this modern world, it’s everywhere you look. It ranges from the car you drive, the air conditioning in your home and the computer/cell phone that you’re reading this on. Even the smallest objects have been engineered to a certain degree, and this is what makes the engineering field so broad and diverse.

At the beginning when you are trying to start out, it can be daunting and there may be an overwhelming feeling that there is simply no way a person could ever know enough, or maybe that the content is too difficult. Well from personal experience, we can tell you that we know of people that hate math, but have great analytical engineering minds, and that’s all it is, a mindset. Our belief is that anyone can understand the basics and more of any certain aspect of engineering, once the information is broken down and presented in an easily understood format.

This is why we have formed Mechanical Engineering HQ, in order to help anyone that needs assistance and to create a place where reliable engineering information (specifically mechanical engineering) can be obtained. Engineering doesn’t have to be a monotonous subject. From just a quick web search, it can be seen that the vast majority of engineering sites derive from educational/career-building sources (Not to mention these websites also look like Craiglist’s awkward cousin from the 90’s!).

Educational institutions have a habit of taking you down rabbit holes. And while career-building websites are helpful, they tell you what you need to be doing and where you need to be in your career, they do not aid you in the process of getting where you want to be.

That’s where we come in.

We want to bring mechanical engineering down to an accessible level for someone who doesn’t have the slightest idea of what engineering even means, while also providing valuable content to those either on their way to an engineering degree or in the field already.

We would have loved a one-stop place like this while we were studying, and even now we grow frustrated at the lack of solutions online for professional engineers. This will not obtain your degree for you, nor will it stop your boss from coming at you at work for not solving the latest problem that is holding up your project, but it is a helpful resource to use when seeking assistance.

Let’s help each other on our journey to becoming efficient, effective engineers. We’re glad you’re here!


Mechanical Engineering HQ


Don’t just take our word for it

"The recently launched Mechanical Engineering HQ presents a young engineer’s perspective on many mechanical engineering topics. Ryan’s writing is fresh, genuine, and informative. This blog is worth following for anyone interested in a career in this field!"
"Mechanical Engineering HQ is a blog created to enhance your knowledge, interest or career in the mechanical engineering field"
"An excellent blog run by a mechanical engineer named Ryan who aims to help people understand engineering in the simplest way. We know some topics in engineering can be overwhelming and hard to digest. That’s why Ryan created an entire mechanical engineering website. You can find reliable information that makes learning engineering as fun as it should be! You can also find blog articles with lists of items that are best for engineers like “Best Books for Mechanical Engineers”."

Engineering Categories

The 2 main engineering categories you need


Every post relating to furthering your career in engineering, no matter what field you choose. Improve your knowledge, experience and skills with the posts in this category!


A collection of articles that include educational information relating to the respective engineering discipline or engineering tool/skills in that particular post.

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