4 Best Rulers for Engineers

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We see the work of engineers everywhere, in buildings, structures, and pretty much every aspect of modern life. It is hard to comprehend how these things are created, and what kind of tools are needed to design them. One thing you would hope that architects and engineers use when designing is a ruler. Engineers use a wide variety of tools when designing and planning a project, however a ruler (or engineering scale) is one of their more frequently used tools. That is why we have complied a list of the best rulers for engineers, so you can choose from some high quality options when adding this invaluable tool to your collection. Enjoy!

OCM Metric Triangular Engineer Scale Ruler

This engineer scale is constructed from aluminum which makes it quite light to carry around. As you can see, it is a three sided ruler that has two scales on every edge. It is 30 centimeters long, and the scales that it features are 1:20, 1:25, 1:50, 1:75, 1:100, 1:125. Along with being called an engineering scale it can also be referred to as a mechanical, architectural, and draftsman ruler.

The markings are very clear and precis, no mistakes will be made using this ruler. As it is made from aluminum, it is strong, firm, and doesn’t flex very easily. It is also tough so you don’t have to worry about it bending or breaking in your bag. The scale’s edges are curved in, this will prevent any smears, and also allows for safe usage of the ruler. These concave edges prevent any ink smears on blueprints that could possible ruin your blueprints. This is a good options for both professionals, beginners, and students.

OCM Metric Triangular Engineer Scale Ruler
Source: Amazon

Pro Art 12” Engineering Scale

This model from Pro Art is completely constructed from “unbreakable” plastic, and is approximately 12 inches long. It is again triangular in shape and has six scales in total. The scales that are featured on this ruler are 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, and 60th of an inch. The measurement markings on the scale are reliable and accurate, easy to find, and easy to read.

This ruler comes in three different colors, and it weighs around 1.6 ounces which is a good weight for long-term durability. This means that it resists abrasion and is strong. It is a simple scale that can be used by hobbyists and professionals alike. Due to its strength, it is a good option for bringing with you to on-site work.

Pro Art 12” Engineering Scale
Source: Amazon

OCM Laser Etched Engineer Scale

The OCM Laser Etched Engineer Scale is a professional grade aluminum engineer scale. It had 3 edges with six scales in total (seeing a trend here yet?). To ensure that this engineer scale serves you for the longest times possible, it is coated with black anodized aluminum.

To also make sure that the markings are as clear as possible, they are laser etched (as the name may suggest) for maximum precision. The measurements on this ruler are in imperial, showing 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, and 60th of an inch. The scale graduations are 1:20, 1:25, 1:50, 1:75, 1:100, 1:125. The concave edges on the scale also allow for safe use of the ruler. This is a perfect option for all of your mechanical, drafting, and architectural projects. This is a ruler that will last you for years.

OCM Laser Etched Engineer Scale
Source: Amazon

NOKKO 3 Piece Aluminum Ruler Set

This NOKKO three piece set is a set of three engineering rulers. In the pack, there are two of the same architectural/engineering rulers, and one regular ruler that is 30 centimeters long and measures in the centimeters and millimeters. These scales are finished with a touch of anodized aluminum , and all of the markings are etched using lasers. This ensures that none of the markings fade over time.

Again the engineering rulers have three sides and six scales. They have both imperial and metric scales. These are all professional grade rulers, perfect for use by engineers and architects. This set is all you will need, for a very affordable price. If you like to carry your scales around with you, rest easy that you have a spare in case you leave one at a work site. The special thing about these scales is they offer measurements in both imperial and metric. We couldn’t have a list of the best rulers for engineers without at least one regular ruler featured somewhere!

NOKKO 3 Piece Aluminum Ruler Set
Source: Amazon

All of the rulers on this list have reliable and precise markings that will not let you down when it comes to designing and planning your next project. Professionals that can benefit from using a top-quality ruler are landscapers, engineers, draftsmen, architects, carpenters and many more. Even if you are just a hobbyist and have an interest in these fields, these engineering scales will be perfect for you.

Thank you very much for being here – we appreciate you taking the time to read our content. So, what are your opinions on the above choices in our list of the best rulers for engineers? Will you be picking up any of these models, or is there one that you use that you feel belongs on this list? MEHQ would love to hear from you in the comments below! And sign up to our newsletter for more of the same content!

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