Million-Mile Battery Could End the Internal Combustion Engine

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This is a recent guest post that was published on Engineering360, powered by IEEE Global Spec, featuring a brief overview of a huge new announcement in the electric vehicle industry. The post is titled “Million-mile battery could end the internal combustion engine”. This post discusses a new type of battery that has been developed in China that has a 1.2 million mile, or 16 year lifespan, hence the title “million-mile battery!”. As you can imagine, this could change the electric vehicle world forever.

You can check it out here!

I hope you enjoy this post that is about something I am quite passionate about, I love cars and I feel like there is definitely a place for both electric and gas-powered cars in the world. Please also let me know if you would like more of the same stuff, whether it is automotive, clean energy or anything related to this article!

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